TopBusinessTycoon Rashi Khanna media Interview In 2021

Nisha bhushinge
4 min readJun 8, 2021


“The more real I am the less pressurised I am, I remind myself each moment that I need not fit in the rules to help people” — Rashi

1) Why choose Ra by Rashi Foundation?

Ra by Rashi Foundation:

We named it “Ra by Rashi Foundation” as our members should know their Empath. A true Empath knows how to deal with the imperfections. That is the greatest trademark.

“Empathize, Energize and Empower, enable Strength at broken places with customized and sustainable solutions”.

Our initiatives provide the momentum that enables changing lives and not merely touching lives. We are committed to reinvigorate social & economic well-being to anyone in need.

Presently doing advocacy awareness programs

1.Flagship initiative : “ Chalchitra: Digital MSME”. A platform for budding entrepreneurs/MSME’s to showcase their products. We help them connect with buyers and sellers .

2.SHARE YOUR STORY : Initiative supports mental wellbeing & health ,life lessons & new skills & Talent

3.BE THE HELP : Initiative gives a platform to speak about services/ideology & products .Finished running an initiative with MasterChef Pankaj Bhadouria ‘Family Kitchen Story’ contest to support the food service Industry.

4.MUDITA : Initiative to support AAJICHA GHAR ,project by ShreeGauri Sawant ji

a)Donate a brick

b)Share your happy days

c)Sponsor a child’s education

5.RULEBOOK : Free Legal Help to all for problems arising during Pandemic.

2) Would you tell us about Yourself &Your Journey?

Maybe I was born to be an Empath, Except I realized it later. My failures are my strength.

Born to a business family settled in Lucknow, managing business was in my genes. My parents gave me enough freedom as a child to incubate my own personality. As a trained Bharatanatyam dancer & a classical vocalist with many certified art and pottery courses to my forte. As a child, I was always strong headed and was involved in charity and fundraising initiatives at school & college level. My initial schooling was at La Martiniere girl’s college, lucknow and finished my later years at Army Public school, that gave me a vast culture exposure.

As I finished my PGDPR from Lucknow university with my thesis in Terracotta industry, I immediately set up my unit in the village Chinhat, Lucknow.

That was the turning point, when I realized that I could sell anything due to my humble marketing skills. Being in the b2c selling and manufacturing business was my forte. With Pottery, art as my talents I was able to strategize sales. Exhibited with Lalit kala Academy regularly to get more exposure.

3) How do you stay on top of changes in the process, changes in thought of industries that you are going to look at more now?

I feel that the Welfare Industry is the need of the hour and has been working day and night for our country specially in times of distress. We at Ra by Rashi Foundation have been providing regular amenities to women, children and old parents in DelhiNCR . Our mental health experts have been hearing and talking to people who have lost jobs .We have partnered with few HR consultants and life coaches who are helping our members with free training and skill development so that they can restart work. Business men have suffered the most so we help them by connecting to their buyers which has been a sigh of relief. Our industry is doing

its best but I still feel there is a lack of empathy, hence we are more strong with our ideas of bringing a change to this industry.

4) What incident had most influenced your career choice?

Just to make it more difficult, I got ill with Face palsy and had to leave everything to be at home in 2014. Difficulties always taught me to fight them even harder. That was a turning point.

My focus has always been on doing good work and little did I realize that in this world people will always question your turnovers. That is when I wanted to turn the tables.

5) What/Who Inspires Ra by Rashi Foundation to start a platform for a social wellness cause? How it is going for you?

My source of motivation is that one smile ,I can give to the one who needs it the most. I aim to provide strength at broken places. The universe has chosen me to bring the change & I am passionate about it totally.

6) What is your strategy to reach new people?

One strategy as a brand and marketing expert that I use for myself is” I share my story to sell more”. People connect with stories and that too real empathy stories. If one can connect they will stay forever. So I brand my story and trust me it works to reach new people.

7) How do you evaluate success?

For me success is being REAL ,as real human beings are not perfect but they are real. What matters is Integrity and conscious that goes to grave , so successful people keep it clean. Success will make you believe that Sufferings are real so successful people are always kind . Success will make you Listen to your heart always as brains are selfish .It kills the hyper empathy so best to avoid.

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